2024/Program/Appel à contributions

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< 2024/Program
Revision as of 13:08, 18 April 2024 by SophieWMCA (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Pour faciliter l'organisation et l'examen des propositions de communications, nous proposons 12 axes de programme. Déterminez celui qui correspond le mieux à votre propositi...")
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WikiConférence Amérique du Nord
Indianapolis — 3-6 Octobre 2024
Accueil Devenir Bénévole Programme Venir à la conférence Plus

La WikiConférence Amérique du Nord consiste en un ensemble de conférences, de panels, d'ateliers et de tables rondes animés par la communauté Wikimédia et les institutions de la connaissance libre et de la technologie. L'appel à contributions est fermé.

Nous invitons les propositions de communications qui explorent la façon de relier et de collaborer entre les chapitres et les groupes d'utilisateurs Wikimédia d'Amérique du Nord. Nous encouragerons une variété de formats de présentations, de grands groupes et de petits groupes lors des trois jours successifs. Bien que le thème et les domaines d'intérêt soient des sujets particuliers autour desquels le congrès tournera, nous accueillons toutes les propositions qui sont pertinentes pour le mouvement Wikimedia - ne vous sentez pas limité au thème du congrès ou aux domaines d'intérêt si vous avez quelque chose d'intéressant à partager !

Soumettre une proposition de communication

Note: You must connect or create an account on this wiki first.


Notre thème sera "Carrefours", inspiré par la devise de l'État de l'Indiana et faisant également allusion aux multiples significations du mot - comme l'endroit où les Wikimédiens de tout le continent se croisent, mais aussi un moment-clé pour les participants.

Qu'il s'agisse de la discussion sur un hub nord-américain ou de l'impact de la désinformation, de l'IA et des attaques sur la démocratie mondiale et la liberté d'expression, cette conférence se tient à une période charnière. Comment faire en sorte que nos projets restent dynamiques et pertinents dans ce nouvel avenir ?

Axes du programme

Pour faciliter l'organisation et l'examen des propositions de communications, nous proposons 12 axes de programme. Déterminez celui qui correspond le mieux à votre proposition. Si votre proposition s'applique à plus d'un domaine, vous pouvez spécifier un domaine secondaire dans le formulaire de proposition.

  • Education – initiatives and programs in education and academia
  • GLAM – initiatives and programs in heritage and cultural conservation, collaborations with cultural institutions that include galleries, libraries, archives, museums, and more
  • Partnerships – initiatives pairing the Wikimedia movement and its activities with external institutions to produce beneficial results
  • Technology – product and technology in the Wikimedia movement
  • Community Engagement – the activities aimed at increasing the number of contributors, attracting new editors, making sure they are welcome and willing to stay for the ride
  • Community Health – issues related to retaining those editors and contributors that are already active. How to provide them with what they need to keep on contributing.
  • Research – research with topics relevant to Wikimedia and the spirit of Wikimania, as well as research that uses Wikimedia data and content
  • Diversity & Inclusion – making sure that Wikimedia projects appeal to as wide audience as possible, and can be edited by as wide group of contributors as possible, to cater for variety and to invite everyone
  • Legal & Advocacy – copyrights and digital accessibility, censorship and disinformation / misinformation, public policy and human rights
  • Open Data – initiatives in data use and reuse
  • Governance & Strategy (alternatively, Governance or Strategy) – discussions focused on structures and reform, key initiatives from the Movement Strategy
  • Wild Ideas – anything Wikimedia-related that does not fit well into any of the above or is so wild it needs a category of its own!

Session types


Type Description Suggested Length
Lightning talk (LT) Very short presentation lasting only a few minutes; a data blitz. 5 minutes
Lecture (LEC) Lecture/presentation on any topic within the themes covered by the conference. 15–30 minutes
Panel (PAN) Facilitated discussion among three or more on a pre-selected topic. 30–45 minutes
Round Table (RT) Group-wide discussion on a pre-selected topic. 30–60 minutes
Workshop (WS) Gacilitated group-wide tutorial and/or working session on a pre-selected topic. 30–75 minutes
Edit-a-thon (ED) Group-wide editing on a particular topic or theme. 60-120 minutes
Plenary (PLEN) All; only session on the schedule at that time; example, evening strategy session. 60-120 minutes
Keynote (KEY) All; a type of plenary. 18-60 minutes

Proposal Review Process

Proposals will be reviewed by a Programming Committee. Each submission is rated on a variety of factors including the likely level of impact and expected outcomes; expected community interest; and how well-connected the submission is to the theme or a focus area. Committee scores are averaged, and the top portion of submissions will be accepted as they fit into the schedule.

You will be notified about the Program Committee's decision regarding your submission via email. If your submission is not added to the preliminary schedule, please do not be discouraged. WikiConference North America will have time set aside in the schedule for participants and attendees to participate in self-organized talks and working groups during our lightning talks and unconference sessions.

Existing submissions

Note: this list is a dynamic view of Category:Submissions/2024

Submissions/2024/GLAM(12 P)
Program Attendance More
Submissions Travel to Indianapolis Team
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