Page values for "Submissions:2024/Catalog-a-thon for GLAM tools in Toolhub"

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"2024_submissions" values

1 row is stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
titleStringCatalog-a-thon for GLAM tools in Toolhub
themeStringGLAM (Galleries/Libraries/Archives/Museums), Technology

Toolhub is a community-authored tool catalog for Wikimedia tools. It supports browsing tools by audiences, tasks, content types, and subject domains (like GLAM)...but only if the tool records are annotated with relevant metadata. These metadata annotations are currently under-utilized, so this session proposes an edit-a-thon-style tool cataloging event, focused on improving the usability of Toolhub for finding GLAM tools.

This project highlights and expands on existing intersections between the GLAM community and the technical community -- especially tool developers. Cataloging GLAM tools in Toolhub is an activity at the crossroads of technology, community curation, tool documentation, and GLAM community support. By encouraging GLAM community members to use Toolhub, this session will help us explore how a technical solution like Toolhub can support the goal of having an easy-to-share list of GLAM tools in one place...while also making that information more discoverable and maintainable than it might be on a wiki page or other format.

Goal 1: Improve the usability of Toolhub for finding GLAM tools and their documentation

Goal 2: Expand the GLAM community's awareness of Toolhub and tool documentation best practices.

Goal 3: Support the GLAM community's goal to "Form an easy-to-share page that lists all GLAM tools in just one place."

More info at

authorStringTricia Burmeister
emailList of Email, delimiter: ,
affiliatesStringWikimedia Foundation

I presented about the Toolhub taxonomy and annotations metadata at the Wikimania 2022 meetup in Pittsburgh
