
From WikiConference North America
< 2025/Attendance
Revision as of 09:14, 9 March 2025 by Marifer Veloz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Los solicitantes de becas serán notificados sobre el resultado de su solicitud después de que el Comité de Becas evalúe su aplicación a principios de mayo. Para aquellos...")
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26 - New York - Octobre 2008.jpg
WikiConference North America
New York City — 16-19 October 2025
(pre- or post-conferences possible)
Home Program Attendance More

¡Aplica a una beca! de beca aquí

Fechas límite

Este año, sólo habrá una convocatoria de becas.

  • Inicio de solicitud de becas: 4 de marzo de 2025
  • Cierre de aplicaciones para beca: 4 de abril de 2025


Debes vivir en Norteamérica para poder calificar para una beca. Todas las solicitudes fuera de Norteamérica serán rechazadas.


Este año solo se otorgará un tipo de beca: beca completa (incluye hospedaje y costos de transportación).

Proceso de evaluación

Se le formularán una serie de preguntas sobre sus contribuciones al movimiento Wikimedia a partir de las cuales el comité de becas evaluará su solicitud.

Los solicitantes de becas serán notificados sobre el resultado de su solicitud después de que el Comité de Becas evalúe su aplicación a principios de mayo. Para aquellos que hayan sido seleccionados, nos pondremos en contacto posteriormente para coordinar la reserva de alojamiento y los arreglos de viaje.

Scholarship information

What is covered in scholarship?

  • Registration fee
  • Conference swag
  • Lunches on conference days
  • Medical insurance (if you are travelling from outside of the U.S.)
  • Visa application fees (if you require a visa to travel to the U.S.)

What is not covered in scholarship?

  • Passport application fees
  • Meals on pre-conference days, as well as breakfast and dinners on conference days
  • Local travel cost from the place of your residence to the departure airport, train and bus station (and vice versa)
  • Travel cost within New York City (e.g. airport/train station to the hotel and vice versa)
  • Baggage, advance seat selection or ticket change fee
  • Other incidentals and sundry costs

All scholarship recipients are expected to volunteer for 3 hours in parts of the conference. Volunteer roles include trust & safety, registration (check-in desk), logistics, programming, facilitating session (room manager, mic runner), translation, photography and others. The role will be coordinated by the Volunteer Coordinator at a later date, after scholarships have been awarded.

Scholarship recipients that include accommodation will stay at an accommodation booked by the Wikimedia Foundation. To afford as many scholarships as possible, we expect scholarship recipients to share a room with two beds with another scholarship recipient. Exceptions could be made on a case-by-case basis.