Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Gadget-fix-schedule-times.js"

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(refresh every minute)
Line 93: Line 93:
window.setInterval( go, 10000 );
window.setInterval( go, 60 * 1000 );
} );
} );

Revision as of 01:52, 7 October 2021

// vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ai si
).then( function () {

    // Configuration
        "Friday, October 8": Date.UTC( 2021, /* month index, not month number! */ 9, 8 ),
        "Saturday, October 9": Date.UTC( 2021, 9, 9 ),
        "Sunday, October 10": Date.UTC( 2021, 9, 10 )
    var WRITTEN_SCHEDULE_OFFSET_SECONDS = -4 * 3600; // written schedule for WCNA 2021 is Eastern Time which is UTC-4

    // Other constants
    var TIME_REGEX = /(\d\d):(\d\d)( - (\d\d):(\d\d)|\+)/;

    var userTimeCorrectionSeconds = mw.user.options.get( "timecorrection" ) * 60;

    function formatRelativeTime( minutesUntilStart, minutesUntilEnd ) {
        if ( minutesUntilStart > /* one day */ 1440 ) {
            return "Starts in " + ( minutesUntilStart / 1440 ).toFixed( 0 ) + " days";
        } else if ( minutesUntilStart > /* 3 hours */ 180 ) {
            return "Starts in " + ( minutesUntilStart / 60 ).toFixed( 0 ) + " hours";
        } else if ( minutesUntilStart > 120 ) {
            return "Starts in 2 hours and " + ( minutesUntilStart % 60 ).toFixed( 0 ) + " minutes";
        } else if ( minutesUntilStart > 60 ) {
            return "Starts in an hour and " + ( minutesUntilStart % 60 ).toFixed( 0 ) + " minutes";
        } else if ( minutesUntilStart > 1 ) {
            return "Starts in " + minutesUntilStart.toFixed( 0 ) + " minutes";
        } else if ( minutesUntilStart > 0 ) {
            return "Starts in less than a minute";
        } else if ( minutesUntilStart > -1 ) {
            return "Started just now";
        } else if ( minutesUntilStart > -5 ) {
            return "Started " + ( -minutesUntilStart ).toFixed( 0 ) + " minutes ago";
        } else if ( minutesUntilEnd > 1 ) {
            return "Ends in " + minutesUntilEnd.toFixed( 0 ) + " minutes";
        } else if ( minutesUntilEnd > 0 ) {
            return "Ends in one minute";
        } else if ( minutesUntilEnd > -1 ) {
            return "Ended just now";
        } else if ( minutesUntilEnd > -60 ) {
            return "Ended " + ( -minutesUntilEnd ).toFixed( 0 ) + " minutes ago";
        } else if ( minutesUntilEnd > -1440 ) {
            return "Ended " + ( -minutesUntilEnd / 60 ).toFixed( 0 ) + " hours ago";
        } else {
            return "Ended " + ( -minutesUntilEnd / 1440 ).toFixed( 0 ) + " days ago";

    function formatTime( unixTimestamp ) {
        return new Date( unixTimestamp * 1000 ).toLocaleTimeString().replace( /(\d\d?:\d\d):00/, "$1" ).replace( / /g, " " );

    function makeHtml( originalTimeMatch, tableCell ) {
        var dayHeading = $( tableCell ).closest( "table" ).prev().prev(); // skip icon key
        var dayHeadingText = dayHeading.find( ".mw-headline" ).text();
        var baseDateUnix = Math.floor( CONFERENCE_DAYS[dayHeadingText] / 1000 );

        // First, get the actual timestamps
        var startTimeUnix = baseDateUnix + parseInt( originalTimeMatch[1], 10 ) * 3600 +
                parseInt( originalTimeMatch[2], 10 ) * 60 - WRITTEN_SCHEDULE_OFFSET_SECONDS;
        var endTimeUnix = originalTimeMatch[4] ? ( baseDateUnix + parseInt( originalTimeMatch[4], 10 ) * 3600 +
                parseInt( originalTimeMatch[5], 10 ) * 60 - WRITTEN_SCHEDULE_OFFSET_SECONDS ) : startTimeUnix;

        // Now, get some text like "Starts in 10 minutes".
        var nowUnix = Math.floor( new Date().getTime() / 1000 );
        var relativeTimeFormatted = formatRelativeTime(
            ( startTimeUnix - nowUnix ) / 60,
            ( endTimeUnix - nowUnix ) / 60
        return formatTime( startTimeUnix ) + " - " + ( ( startTimeUnix === endTimeUnix ) ? "" : formatTime( endTimeUnix ) ) + "<br />(" + relativeTimeFormatted + ")";

    $( "small" ).each( function () {
        if ( this.textContent === "(US Eastern Time)" ) {
            $( this ).remove();
    } );

    $( "td" ).each( function () {
        var match = TIME_REGEX.exec( this.textContent );
        if ( match ) {
            this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace( match[0], "<span class='fixed' data-original='" + match[0] + "'>" + match[0] + "</span>" );
    } );

    function go() {
        $( "span.fixed" ).each( function () {
            $( this ).html( makeHtml( TIME_REGEX.exec( this.dataset.original ), this.parentNode ) );
        } );

    window.setInterval( go, 60 * 1000 );
} );