Submissions:2024/Current trends in public policy that could impact Wikipedia
This submission has been noted and is pending review for WikiConference North America 2024.
- Current trends in public policy that could impact Wikipedia
Type of session:
- Lightning talk
Session theme(s):
- Legal & Advocacy
In the power struggle between governments and "Big Tech" Wikipedia is sometimes caught in the crossfire. This lightning talk would describe some of the current trends in public policy that could impact Wikipedia (such as protecting kids' safety and regulating content moderation), decode some of the political rhetoric around those trends, and illustrate some of the potential impacts for Wikipedians.
Author name(s):
Wikimedia username(s):
- SAdams-WMF
E-mail address:
- sadams
Affiliated organization(s):
- Wikimedia Foundation
Estimated length of session
- 5-10 minutes
Will you be presenting remotely?
Okay to livestream?
- Livestreaming is okay
Previously presented?
Special requests: