
From WikiConference North America
Revision as of 22:25, 17 September 2024 by Mathnerd314159 (talk | contribs) (re-proposal)
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WikiConference North America 2024 • Indianapolis
Unconference-style scheduling

WikiConference North America 2024 will include unconference sessions in room IP216 from 11:30am to 5:30pm on Saturday, October 5, where anyone can propose or spontaneously organize a mini-presentation, discussion, or workshop on a wiki-related topic.

See 20-second intro video to unconferencing.

You are welcome to add yourself to the list below with topics you'd like to present on. Adding your name and a timeslot below serves as a "noticeboard announcement" for your activity and does not guarantee you the space at that time. The room is available on a first-come-first-served basis.


Meetup/workshop topics

Please propose topics and time frames. Organizers will put them on the wiki schedule here.


Ideas (unsorted)

Lightning talks

Lightning talks are short back-to-back presentations of 5 minutes each. You can propose them here with your own topics!