Submissions:2024/Untangling Wikipedia: Organizing Content for Clarity and Growth

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This submission has been noted and is pending review for WikiConference North America 2024.


Untangling Wikipedia: Organizing Content for Clarity and Growth

Type of session:

Lightning talk

Session theme(s):

Community Engagement, Community Health, Technology, Wild Ideas


Although Wikipedia's content is comprehensive in many areas, it often is not organized well - content duplicated across pages, unclear organization within pages, and so on. With the help of a slide deck I will create if the talk is accepted, I will explain what I have done in my edits thus far to address these problems, discuss the results, and, if there is time, have a Q&A with the audience. Themes will include identifying missing sub-topics, how Wikipedia is a crossroads for different points of view, using ChatGPT to assist with decisions about article structure and headings, and analysis of the results using page statistics and user feedback.

Author name(s):


Wikimedia username(s):


E-mail address:


Affiliated organization(s):

Able to attend without scholarship?


Estimated length of session


Okay to livestream?

Livestreaming is okay

Previously presented?


Special requests:

Presumably the slideshow will need a projector, I can use my chromebook (DisplayPort over USB-C) or a supplied computer