Create 2024/Transforming from a Victim to a Triver: Addressing Microaggressions with Identity Capital: Submissions:2023/WikiJournal

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WikiConference North America 2024 unfortunately could not accommodate this submission in its program this year.
Please check out our Unconference for opportunities to present and share there.



Type of session:


Session theme(s):

Diversity & Inclusion


Workshop Purpose: This workshop aims to achieve two main goals: 1. Equipping participants with tools to build resilience and empowering them to practice self-affirmation by recognizing their identity attributes (such as race, nationality, language, and culture) as sources of well-being and strength rather than burdens. 2. Addressing the dynamics of racial microaggressions by identifying practical, non-defensive communication and self-empowerment strategies based on research and context will give participants the confidence to handle such situations effectively.

The facilitator will demonstrate how self-empowerment strategies can help participants flourish as professionals. Participants will have the opportunity to customize self-affirmation worksheets to make the learning experience more personal and engaging.

Workshop Materials: The workshop will be an interactive 45-minute session with PowerPoint presentations, small-group discussions, short video clips, and customizable handouts for practice.

This workshop is designed for graduate students, postdocs, faculty, administrators, and professionals who encounter negative stereotyping and racial microaggressions affecting people of color and international members of the academia.

Objectives and Outcomes: By the end of the session, participants will be able to: 1. Describe and assess their identity and well-being. 2. Customize research-based, non-defensive communication strategies to shift from being a victim to a flourisher while addressing issues such as racial microaggressions. 3. Practice resilience building with the self-affirmation worksheets.

Intended Audience: Undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and faculty

Intended Experience Level of Participants: Beginner & Intermediate

Author name(s):

Emrakeb A. Woldearegay

Wikimedia username(s):

E-mail address:

Affiliated organization(s):

University of Oregon

Estimated length of session

45–60 minutes

Will you be presenting remotely?

Okay to livestream?

Livestreaming is okay

Previously presented?

Yes, at Workshop Sessions of Black Doctoral Network (BDN) on March 22, 2024 and 12th annual Faculty Women of Color in the Academy (FWCA) national conference in April 2024

Special requests:

I will do my best to participate in the conference even if I don't get a scholarship. Nonetheless, I am going to apply for scholarship as I ill-afford my attendance on doctoral student's earning.
