
From WikiConference North America
< 2023
Revision as of 15:54, 28 May 2023 by Benoit Rochon (talk | contribs) (Image)
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These pages pages refer to a prior conference, and are kept for historical reasons.

If you are interested in the upcoming WikiConference North America, please ensure you are looking at the current conference site.

Microphone on stand in front of blurry background crop.jpg
WikiConference North America
Toronto — 9-12 November 2023
Home Program Attendance More
This page contains the WikiConference North America 2023 event schedule. It will be published soon.
For program submissions, please go to this link.

The days look tentatively like this:

Novembre 9, Thursday (optional day): Opening cocktail, casual meet-ups, other activities
Novembre 10, Friday (optional day): Trainings, self-organized meetings, casual meet-ups, other activities. Opening plenary in the evening
Novembre 11, Saturday: Main conference, day 1
Novembre 12, Sunday: Main conference, day 2. Post-conference, culture and heritage activities, other activities
Program Attendance More
Submissions Travel to Toronto Team
Related activities Scholarships Social media
Meetups Registration Glossary
Conference venue Updates