Submissions:2024/Memories on wheels: The evolution of ancient and classic automobile in Mexico (Aguascalientes) and the creation of a historical archive in wikimedia

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This submission has been noted and is pending review for WikiConference North America 2024.


Memories on wheels: The evolution of ancient and classic automobile in Mexico (Aguascalientes) and the creation of a historical archive in wikimedia

Type of session:

Lecture (15-30 min)

Session theme(s):

GLAM (Galleries/Libraries/Archives/Museums)


The present study addresses the cultural and artistic wealth of classic and antique automobiles in Aguascalientes, exploring its impact on the local community and its historical relevance. Driving and restoring these vehicles is not only a cherished pastime for older generations, but is also gaining interest among young people, evidenced by the rise of modified classics. The Aguascalientes Antique Automobile Association (AAAA), along with other organizations, plays a crucial role in promoting this heritage through events and activities that encourage education and participation of a broader public.

The research focuses on the creation of a digital archive through Wikimedia, which documents and disseminates the history and cultural value of these vehicles. This archive will serve as an educational and conservation resource, highlighting antique automobiles as objects of art and beauty, and showing the importance of automobile culture in Aguascalientes. The project is justified based on the need to preserve history and pass it on to future generations, ensuring that the passion for classic cars endures and continues to grow.

The proposal is supported by personal testimonies and the history of local automobile associations, such as the AAAA and the Mexican Federation of Antique and Collectible Automobiles (FMAAC). These stories provide a deep insight into car culture in the region, allowing us to identify the reasons behind the love of vintage cars and their impact on the community.

The main objective is to analyze and promote the antique car culture in Aguascalientes, creating a digital legacy that highlights its heritage value and encourages its appreciation among a broader public. The implementation of this project through Wikimedia will guarantee free and continuous access to this valuable information, contributing to the preservation and dissemination of ancient and classic automobile culture in Mexico.

Author name(s):

Victoria Fernanda Coronado de Anda

Wikimedia username(s):


E-mail address:

Affiliated organization(s):

Wikimedia México, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Asociación del Automóvil Antiguo de Aguascalientes, Federación Mexicana de Automóviles Antiguos y de Colección A.C. and Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens

Estimated length of session

15 - 20 min

Will you be presenting remotely?

I will present in-person

Okay to livestream?

Livestreaming is okay

Previously presented?

yes, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, June 2024 and Salon Expo-Mobil April 2024

Special requests: