Page values for "Submissions:2023/Don't feed the trolls"

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"2023_submissions" values

2 rows are stored for this page
FieldField typeValue
titleStringDon't feed the trolls
themeStringRecent Changes, Equity / Inclusion / Community Health, Governance
typeStringLightning talk

In the wake of COVID-19, college students are experiencing heightened depression and lessened empathy for others.?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000002-QINU`"'? Under the bold assumption that the same applies to not just college students, this has emboldened trolls and vandals to do more extensive damage to communities before they face consequences. How can we tackle this?

This lightning talk will consist of the following short segments exploring recent changes in acts of bad faith:

  1. The quantitative state of vandalism on an account-by-request but open-to-read wiki
    • Very brief explanation of the nature of the wiki
    • Some statistics on vandalism over time
  2. The qualitative state of trolling across multiple wikis
    • Including an example of two wikis being brought to their knees
    • The abuse of policy or the lack thereof and what that means for governance
  3. Exploration of governance strategies to mitigate the new wave of bad faith
    • No second chances, no exceptions
    • Three strikes and you're out



authorStringKen Hilton
emailList of Email, delimiter: ,
affiliatesStringScratch Wiki
timeString5-8 minutes plus questions if applicable

Okay with being livestreamed but not posted in a recording



FieldField typeValue
titleStringDon't feed the trolls
themeStringRecent Changes, Equity / Inclusion / Community Health, Governance
typeStringLightning talk

In the wake of COVID-19, college students are experiencing heightened depression and lessened empathy for others.?'"`UNIQ--ref-00000004-QINU`"'? Under the bold assumption that the same applies to not just college students, this has emboldened trolls and vandals to do more extensive damage to communities before they face consequences. How can we tackle this?

This lightning talk will consist of the following short segments exploring recent changes in acts of bad faith:

  1. The quantitative state of vandalism on an account-by-request but open-to-read wiki
    • Very brief explanation of the nature of the wiki
    • Some statistics on vandalism over time
  2. The qualitative state of trolling across multiple wikis
    • Including an example of two wikis being brought to their knees
    • The abuse of policy or the lack thereof and what that means for governance
  3. Exploration of governance strategies to mitigate the new wave of bad faith
    • No second chances, no exceptions
    • Three strikes and you're out



authorStringKen Hilton
emailList of Email, delimiter: ,
affiliatesStringScratch Wiki
timeString5-8 minutes plus questions if applicable

Okay with being livestreamed but not posted in a recording


