WikiConference North America is the annual conference of Wikimedia enthusiasts and volunteers from throughout North America, including Canada, the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean. Join Wikipedia, -media, -data, and -cite enthusiasts for a long weekend of collaboration and discovery! See the Schedule here.
The 2021 conference took place virtually on October 8-10 and was free to attend. Our theme is Global & Local, Global y Local, mondiale & local.
The Conference program and schedule is here.
You can watch the the live streams of the conference in English here and Spanish here.
You can buy WCNA 2021 and 2020 t-shirts or mugs in our online store by October 12.
We're pleased to provide translations between English and Spanish for our Blue and Red tracks!
When watching a presentation in either of those tracks, you will see an option on the right-hand column to change your language and receive an audio feed from a live interpreter. Attendees may also change Hopin's interface language by clicking their avatar at the top-right and selecting "Languages" in the dropdown.
Partners + Sponsors
We thank the Wikimedia Foundation for funding WikiConference 2021.
Our previous events had unique themes and were located in different cities: New York (2014), Washington (2015), San Diego (2016), Montréal (2017), Columbus (2018) and Boston (2019), with last year Virtual (2020).
WikiConference North America User Group was formed in 2016 after that year's conference. It is a recognized Affiliate by the Wikimedia Foundation. The purpose of the User Group is to assure that the experiences gained at one conference are shared with future year conference organizers. The mission of the User Group includes coordinating the planning and hosting of events under our purview. Additionally, the User Group documents best practices and shares lessons learned with other Wikimedia communities planning and hosting conferences and similar events.