Submissions:2023/Every Book Its Reader
This submission has been accepted for WikiConference North America 2023.
- Every Book Its Reader
- Community Initiatives, GLAM / Heritage / Culture, Languages, Wild Ideas, Credibility / Mis and Disinformation (WikiCred)
Type of session:
- Lecture
Worried about the increase of banned books in the USA, librarian Laurie Bridges reached out to different colleagues to propose a campaign to create Wikipedia articles about books. That's how 9 volunteers got together to develop and promote such a campaign. Unexpectedly, the response was eager and embracing. Many Wikimedia chapters joined the campaign and want to cooperate again in 2024. There was a lot of effort coming from Academic Libraries as well as readers. In this presentation, I would like to present the origins and development of the campaign as well as to spread awareness about the importance of librarians joining this kind of initiative. While preparing this campaign, we realized that many people look information about books in Wikipedia. However, not many relevant books have their pages created. We realized it was very important to make this happen as an effort of spreading the right information about books, instead of letting misinformation and censorship reach readers. I link this campaign with WikiCred because we share the same goal of information reliability and credibility.
Author name:
E-mail address:
- alequihdez
Wikimedia username:
- Alequihdez
Affiliated organization(s):
Estimated time:
- 30 minutes
Special requests:
- Please consider my fellow authors of the presentation: Laurie Bridges, Núria Ferran-Ferrer, Tebogo Khama, Stela Madruga, Michael David Miller, Martin Adalberto Tena Espinoza de los Monteros, Lilian Viana
Have you presented on this topic previously? If yes, where/when?:
Okay to livestream?
- Livestreaming is okay
If your submission is not accepted, would you be open to presenting your topic in another part of the program? (e.g. lightning talk or unconference session)
- Yes