Submissions:2024/All about the U4C (or do I really need to learn a new acronym?)

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This submission has been noted and is pending review for WikiConference North America 2024.


All about the U4C (or do I really need to learn a new acronym?)

Type of session:

Lecture (15-30 min)

Session theme(s):

Community Health, Governance & Strategy


The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee, or U4C, is a newly elected global body responsible for the enforcement, training, and reporting about the Universal Code of Conduct. This session, given by a U4C member, will discuss what the U4C is, who should care about it, and the challenges and success it has had so far.

Author name(s):

Addison Bryant

Wikimedia username(s):


E-mail address:

Affiliated organization(s):

Able to attend without scholarship?


Estimated length of session

I would be happy with a full 30 minutes but ask for at least 20

Okay to livestream?

Do not livestream

Previously presented?

Special requests: