Translations:2024/Safe Space Policy/14/en

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Get some support / help

Onsite Friendly Space Staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the conference. Friendly Space Staff can be identified by their orange safety vests and yellow badges. We value your attendance at this conference. We will have a group of designated people who will monitor the online chat and discussion areas to ensure that the policy outlined here is adhered to. They will have the ability to remove those violating the policy from comment sections, pads, and any other discussion areas under the control of the conference team. They will also have the ability to permanently ban anyone who clearly and/or persistently violates the policy. If you feel uncomfortable during the event or feel that the above policies are being broken, please contact the Friendly Space Team:

  • Speak to Friendly Space Staff members in-person who are wearing orange safety vests and/or yellow badges.
  • Speak to other Event Staff members who can guide you to the appropriate Friendly Space or other people who can assist you.
  • Online via Telegram Chat: WCNA 2024
  • Online via Email: safety at wcna dot wiki