Translations:2024/Safe Space Policy/5/en

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Encouraged behaviors
  • Be welcoming: These are some examples of ways to contribute to a positive environment that welcomes and supports people of all backgrounds and identities:
    • Use welcoming and inclusive language. Please use the pronouns an individual has indicated as appropriate.
    • Respect differing viewpoints and experiences.
    • Keep discussions and conversations civil.
    • Have empathy towards other community members.
  • Be considerate and patient: Actively seek to acknowledge, respect, and understand fellow community members. While critique is natural and important, good critiques are kind, respectful, clear, and constructive.
  • Assume good faith: Misunderstandings happen easily, both online or in person. Please ask clarifying questions before assuming that a communication was inappropriate.
  • Be respectful: Discussion is an important part of our project, but it can lead to disagreements. We must strive to keep our discussions and disagreements appropriate and civil. When we disagree, try to understand why. Seek to understand each other and work to resolve disagreements and differing views constructively.