Difference between revisions of "2021/Submissions/es"

From WikiConference North America
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(Created page with "30-45 min.")
(Created page with "Taller")
Line 70: Line 70:
| Panel || A facilitated discussion among three or more speakers on a pre-selected topic. || 30-45 min.
| Panel || A facilitated discussion among three or more speakers on a pre-selected topic. || 30-45 min.
| Workshop || A facilitated group-wide tutorial and/or working session on a pre-selected topic. || 30–75 min.
| Taller || A facilitated group-wide tutorial and/or working session on a pre-selected topic. || 30–75 min.
| Round Table || A group-wide discussion on a pre-selected topic. || 30–60 min.
| Round Table || A group-wide discussion on a pre-selected topic. || 30–60 min.

Revision as of 02:42, 17 June 2021

WikiConference North America 2021 • Online
RegistrationScheduleLocal EventsUnconference • Submissions: en / fr / es

Tema 2021: Global y local

Otras áreas de interés:

Creación de relaciones y apoyo
Inclusión y diversidad
Profundidad y amplitud para los nuevos editores
Tecnología y herramientas
Acoso, civismo y seguridad

¡Tu tema aquí!

Más detalles al pie.

La WikiConferencia Norteamérica 2021 se llevará acabo del 8 al 10 de octubre en línea.

El tema de este año es global y local e invitamos a que se presenten propuestas que exploren cómo extender las plataformas Wikimedia a preocupaciones tanto globales como locales, y soluciones en ese espacio. Fomentaremos una variedad de formatos en sesiones de transmisión, de grupo grande y de grupo pequeño durante tres días seguidos.

También tenemos varias áreas enfocadas enumeradas a la derecha. Aunque el tema y estas áreas de enfoque serán los temas particulares en torno a los cuales girará la conferencia, son bienvenidas todas las presentaciones que sean relevantes para el movimiento Wikimedia - ¡no te sientas limitado al tema de la conferencia o a las áreas de enfoque si tienes algo genial que compartir!

We are having a soft launch for the Academic Submissions in June 2021. We encourage those academics who wish to make use of the Academic Peer Review Option to do so sooner if they wish, to be able to work within tight academic timelines. There will be a renewed launch for submissions from the general public in August 2021, although anyone is welcome to make a submission at any time.

If you're interested in giving a lightning talk or creating an unconference session, feel free to place ideas on the Unconference page.

Presentar una propuesta de sesión
Nota: Primero debe crear una cuenta.

Existing proposals may be viewed at Category:Submissions/2021.

Proceso de revisión de propuestas

Proposals will be reviewed by a Programming Committee. Each submission is rated on a variety of factors including the likely level of impact and expected outcomes; expected community interest; and how well-connect the submission is to the theme or a focus area. Committee scores are averaged, and the top portion of submissions will be accepted as they fit into the schedule.

You will be notified about the Program Committee's decision regarding your submission via email. If your submission is not added to the preliminary schedule, please do not be discouraged. WikiConference North America will have time set aside in the schedule for participants and attendees to participate in self-organized talks and working groups during our lightning talks and unconference sessions.

Condiciones de participación

Al enviar una propuesta, usted acepta que el texto de su propuesta, las diapositivas de su presentación y cualquier grabación de vídeo pueden ser distribuidos bajo los términos de la Licencia de Creative Commons Atribución/Compartir-igual o una licencia similar. (Tenga en cuenta que las licencias NC y ND son generalmente incompatibles con los proyectos Wikimedia).

También acepta que, según los términos de la licencia, las grabaciones de su presentación puedan ser transmitidas en directo, grabadas y puestas a disposición para su descarga posterior. Si prefiere no ser grabado, póngase en contacto con uno de los organizadores de la conferencia, estaremos encantados de atender su petición.

By submitting a proposal, you agree to abide by the terms of the Safe Space Policy.

Notas de presentación

Tipos de presentación

Tipo Descripción Longitud sugerida
Presentación Una presentación sobre cualquier tema dentro de las temáticas de la conferencia. 15-30 min.
Panel A facilitated discussion among three or more speakers on a pre-selected topic. 30-45 min.
Taller A facilitated group-wide tutorial and/or working session on a pre-selected topic. 30–75 min.
Round Table A group-wide discussion on a pre-selected topic. 30–60 min.
Unconference Lightning talk, open space, and other informal formats. Various

Academic Peer Review Option

We are seeking presentations addressing topics related to teaching with Wikipedia and/or the intersection between higher education and Wikipedia generally. Presenters have the option of submitting their proposals under Academic Peer Review, which will be evaluated by a subset of academics serving on the Program Committee. This option is entirely voluntary, and is intended primarily for academic-type presenters who require a peer review process for travel support through their home institutions.

Unlike previous years, this year there is no separate scholarship process for academic submitters. Any academic submitters who wish to apply for a scholarship can apply through the normal scholarship process when it opens.

The soft launch for the Academic Submissions is in June 2021, with a renewed launch for submissions from the general public in August 2021, although anyone is welcome to make a submission at any time.


In additional to traditional programming, we have set aside time for Unconference sessions. These sessions give time for anyone to propose or spontaneously organize a mini-presentation, discussion, or workshop on a wiki-related topic. We'll have lightning talk sessions will for short (typically 3-5 min) presentations.

Visit our Unconference page to brainstorm ideas.

Proposal Themes

We invite attendees to submit proposals for panels, workshops, seminars, and other presentations in topics that fall under topics related to Wikipedia or free culture.

Our theme this year is global & local, and will be the biggest portion and focus of our program. We also have five other focus areas the community has expressed interest in. Don't worry if your proposal does not exactly fit in one of the below categories; you are welcome to submit proposals on any relevant topic!

2021 Theme: Global & Local This year, WikiConference North America's theme is the global and local -- globalization and localization -- of information. How can we help people engage, learn, and edit global information sources?

Submissions can be classified as academic-track, lightning-talk, panel, training, perhaps duration (long, short, or other time choices); and by topic: Tech, Safety, Editing, Academic, etc.

Some examples of topics that would fit fell in this track include:

  • Geographical workshops on maps and structured metadata
  • Coverage of local and regional government and elections
  • Reliable sources for underrepresented local communities
  • Hubs and partnerships with educational, scientific and cultural institutions
  • Indigenous, creole and minority languages support

Focus Area: Relationship Building & Support Topics under this theme may include:

  • Building partnerships with external institutions
    • GLAM partnerships (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums)
    • Universities
    • Research organizations
  • Local community building and outreach events
  • Affiliates and other organized groups
  • Effective use of social media to promote chapter activities
  • Grantmaking

Focus Area: Inclusion & Diversity Topic areas under this theme may include:

  • Tools (identifying content gaps, recruitment, etc.)
  • Research
  • Organizing inclusive projects and events
  • Case studies

Focus Area: Depth & Breadth for Newer Editors Topic areas in this track may include:

  • Training sessions
  • Online and offline outreach
  • Case studies and research
  • Organizing offline events
  • Tools

Focus Area: Tech & Tools Topic areas in the cultural part of this track may include:

  • Wikidata
    • Contributing
    • Structured Commons
    • Integration with other projects
  • Tools to edit Wikipedia
  • Tools to edit Wikimedia Commons
  • Tools in development
  • Tools for offline events

Focus Area: Harassment, Civility, & Safety Topic areas in this track may include:

  • Tools to combat harassment
  • Guidance for dealing with harassment
  • Research
  • Safety considerations at events
  • Protecting community members

These focus areas are topics that the community has expressed interest in, but they don't cover everything! Don't worry if your proposal does not exactly fit in one of the other categories; you are welcome to submit proposals on any relevant topic.