Create 2023/Sign Languages of the world : increase mutual understanding with Lingualibre SignIt.: Submissions:2023/WikiJournal

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WikiConference North America 2023 unfortunately could not accommodate this submission in its program this year.




Education, Equity / Inclusion / Community Health, Languages

Type of session:

Lightning talk


Sign Languages of the world can be video documented using Lingualibre, learning those can happen using Lingualibre SignIt.

Lingua Libre SignIt add-on for Firefox is a demonstrator project which allows you to translate a (French) word into (French) sign language videos on any web page. When you read a text and come across a word you don't know, select that word, click on the SignIt icon: the sign in LSF and the definition of the word in French will appear on a window. If a word is not available in LSF, we invite you to record it with our easy-to-use web app on LinguaLibre. The definitions come from the French Wiktionary to which you can also contribute.

Author name:

Hugo Lopez

E-mail address:

Wikimedia username:


Affiliated organization(s):

Wikimedia France

Estimated time:

5 minutes

Special requests:

Have you presented on this topic previously? If yes, where/when?:

Wikimania 2023

Okay to livestream?

Livestreaming is okay

If your submission is not accepted, would you be open to presenting your topic in another part of the program? (e.g. lightning talk or unconference session)

