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(streaming advice)

Revision as of 15:10, 22 September 2021

The Zoom conference platform is one way we might run the conference. The alternative we are considering is the Venueless conference platform. Zoom is probably less elegant in appearance but there are fewer moving parts and therefore it could be more reliable.

  • "Zoom events info" suggests one can have a restricted list of attendees based on email and name.
  • We can require that the emails are checked when people log in. That accomplishes our main safe space goal. We will want to have some path for people to ask for an exception.
  • Attendees will also be on Telegram and this wiki site. Moderators, admins, organizers and safe-spacers will also be on Slack channels
Translation and interpretation
  • In Wikimania they would show the video from remo.co and a user who wanted to hear another language would go to a window at app.interact.io. It worked pretty well.
  • app.interact.io is just streaming audio. -- could we see a demo?
  • Clevercast platform described on youtube [1], [2] - needs training ; How many times can we use clevercast at once? We may need practice and a demo
  • UStream platform. can send two tracks of audio into the video. aka IBM Cloud Video
  • OBS enables creation of videos and video live streams from one's own computer broadcast thru their servers. [3] It's open-source according to [4]. OBS is like streamyard. If people in our conference present by streamyard or OBS they don't see interaction on venueless -- questions, comments
  • need to verify that streamyard can send video streams into zoom
  • That looks like a problem: the examples are just of screen-sharing from streamyard to zoom. [5], [6]
More info